Unique Packaging Will Make Your Product Stand Out

Unique Packaging Will Make Your Product Stand Out

By 0 Comments 28th May 2024

Unique Packaging Will Make Your Product Stand Out

As the legal cannabis industry is still in its infancy, cannabis consumers are exposed to a plethora of brands, delivery methods and other options for consuming cannabis. This is good news and bad news –no one has fully dominated the market yet but competition is very high. Research indicates that many cannabis consumers do not make a purchasing decision until they are inside the store. This means that the way your product and branding look, and whether they stand out, play a major role in your brand’s success.


MIRON-Glass Ultra High-End Packaging

MIRON-Glass is the standard for high-quality UV protectant packaging. PLC is an authorized distributor of MIRON-Glass Europe. We recently worked with AURA, an up and coming CBD company. We helped produce actual samples of both the glass and paper tubes before final production. Our clients are always aware of what the final product will be

GOLD SEAL SF Flower Packaging

We recently helped GOLD SEAL SF with creating a very high-end tube packaging for the 1/8 jars, as well as the matching shipping box with inside tray liner to hold the circle tubes, this simple creative box, and packaging has already made their brand very unique and catches the consumers eyes as well as makes the retail dispensary appreciate the care and effort they take in their brand.

Pollen Gear & Customized Flower Jars

Flower jars are one of the most used packaging types in the cannabis industry. At PLC we let our customers decide how creative or how simple they want the flower packaging to be. PLC is one of the few authorized Pollen Gear distributors. Pollen Gear is the platinum brand in cannabis packaging; PLC can help source plain or fully customized jars for a very high-end look for your packaging.

Here at PLC, we pride ourselves on offering beautiful, custom, and compliant packaging for our clients.

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